Our Location
41 Whiore Ave, Tauriko
Tauranga 3110
The last date for Christmas delivery for the North Island is Thursday, 19th December and Monday 16th December, for the South Island. Add a couple of days extra for rural deliveries.
We are closed 12 noon on 24th December to the 6th of January.
Any orders placed during this period will be despatched from the 6th of January onwards.
Upload your favourite fishing pics, tell us a good yarn and you might get your story posted to our Facebook page or fishing gallery!
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Please complete the form and we will send you a FREE brochure.
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Gosh its Friday afternoon already.
Grey wet and cold here in Tauranga, and apparently going to be for the weekend too yuk!
Phil and I employ 4 full time staff, 2 part time and we have a couple of students who come back to work with us during University holidays.
Mikki is our production manager. He is the calibration wizard ensuring all your GPS kontiki’s work perfectly. In his spare time he is into radio controlled cars.
Sharlene is a Seahorse Techinican and also does all the orders and packing out. She loves to climb the Mt in her spare time.
Josh is our Winch Techinican, and he also makes the S30 kontiki’s. He is into keeping fit and enjoys boxing.
Jamie is another Seahorse Techinican, and is the motorized trolley whizz. He doesn’t have much spare time as he has two young children!
Daniel is a part time Seahorse Techinican, who assembles the kontiki’s. He is leaving us in September to continue his Education by getting a Masters Degree at Oxford University in the U.K.
Reece works part time as a trace maker, and helps out with batteries. He would love to play Rugby proffessionaly.
Lucas, is at Waikato University, and helps out in his holidays doing batteries, charger leads and making traces.
Tracey, I do the purchasing, sales, health and safety and general day to day office work. I enjoy going out for coffee with friends and occasionaly going to the gym!
Phil does the marketing, accounts and dealing with agents. He also does most of our research and development. In his spare time he is normally down the yacht club sailing his Tornado.
Have a great weekend, stay warm and safe. If you do get out fishing remember we love fishy photos!