Our Location
41 Whiore Ave, Tauriko
Tauranga 3110
The last date for Christmas delivery for the North Island is Thursday, 19th December and Monday 16th December, for the South Island. Add a couple of days extra for rural deliveries.
We are closed 12 noon on 24th December to the 6th of January.
Any orders placed during this period will be despatched from the 6th of January onwards.
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The teardrop weights are designed to provide hold on the seabed but also to allow them to pull past minor obstructions on the seabed.
We suggest placing the two 8oz weights on first, followed by a 4oz weight in the middle of the traces and the last two 4oz weights on after the traces have been attached. This is sufficient weight to hold the hooks on the bottom and resist the Kontiki drifting under most conditions. Too much weight on the like will reduce the performance of the Kontiki.
A pack of 5 weights consisting of
This allows different combinations to be used to suit the conditions. The weights are designed to break away if caught.
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